Do you think you may be in an abusive relationship?
Does your partner:
- Control who you see or speak to?
- Isolate you from family and friends?
- Make you feel stupid or worthless?
- Threaten to harm you or your loved
ones? - Threaten to harm your pets?
- Threaten to take your children if
you leave ? - Threaten suicide if you leave?
- Hit, slap, kick, punch or push you?
- Threaten you with a weapon?
- Accuse you of having affairs?
- Force or coerce you into having
sex against your wishes? - Deny you access to financial
resources? - Blame you for everything that
goes wrong in the relationship? - Tells you no one else would
want you?
Abuse is more than just physical violence.
If you answer “yes” to one or all of these questions, you may be in an abusive relationship.
You are not alone. There is help available.