Community Partners

Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre (Francophone Services)
Besoin de parler en français?
The EORC in Ottawa a nonprofit multidisciplinary organization, offers free and confidential services in French to women in the Renfrew County (Pembroke, Petawawa, Renfrew and Westmeath). The Francophone Transitional Support Worker is located at a satellite office in Pembroke and can be reached by calling 613 585-3414 for more information or support, you can also reach the office in Ottawa 613 741-6025. Fem`aide is an Ontario province wide support line for francophone women who are victims of abuse and can be reached 24 hours a day,

Mental Health Services
of Renfrew County
Mental Health Services of Renfrew County (MHSRC) is a program administered by the Pembroke Regional Hospital. We offer a full range of public health services supporting mental wellness and recovery for individuals ages 16 years and older, living in Renfrew County, who are in distress or living with mental illness and/or addiction.Professional, compassionate, personalized care is offered at no cost, in-home and in the community, to all service users, both as hospital in-patients or recovering at home in the community, on a voluntary basis. A voluntary service is one where service users drive participation in their recovery.
Mailing Address:
Mental Health Services of Renfrew County
Pembroke Regional Hospital
705 Mackay Street
Pembroke ON K8A 1G8

Women’s Sexual Assault Centre of Renfrew County
24 hour crisis/support line, peer support counselling, public education, lending library, workshops, volunteer training and drop-in. WSAC offers bilingual services. All services are free of charge
Office: 613-735-5551, 24/7 Crisis Line: 1-800-663-3060

Renfrew County and District Health Unit
Protecting and promoting the health and well-being of all residents of Renfrew County and District.
Pembroke Office (Main Office)
7 International Drive, Pembroke, ON
Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 pm
Phone: 613-732-3629
Toll Free: 1-800-267-1097
Fax: 613-735-3067
Renfrew Office
450 O’Brien Road, Suite 106, Renfrew, ON
Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 pm
Phone: 613-432-5853
Toll Free: 1-800-465-5000
Fax: 613-432-3382
Accessibility Information:

Community Resource Centre (Killaloe)
Provides information and referral, advocacy and support, clothing support, prenatal nutrition programs, early years parenting programs and support, licenced daycare and school age child care, youth activity programs, girls empowerment program, community office support including access to phones, computers, internet, and faxing.
Provides programs in Killaloe and mobile programs in the South Western Renfrew County. Information and referral is provided to all of Renfrew County by phone, email or online.
Office: 613-757-3108 TF 1-888-757-3108
Main office is partially accessible including barrier free entrance and washroom, lacks designated parking.
Accessibility of program locations vary, inquire in advance.

Victim Witness Assistance Program
Ministry of Attorney General
Victims & Vulnerable Person’s Division
The mandate of the Victim/Witness Assistance Program is to provide information, assistance and support to victims and witnesses of crime throughout the criminal court process in order to improve their understanding of, and participation in, the criminal court process. Program services are available after charges have been laid. The Program offers services on a priority basis to the most vulnerable victims of crime, including victims of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse and criminal cases involving fatalities. The goals are the program are to enhance victim/witness understanding of and participation in the criminal justice system, sssist the victim/witness to regain a sense of well-being and to soordinate community supports to assist victims of crime.
297 Pembroke Street East, Suite 0611
TTY 1-866-611-5233
Services are offered in English and French

Victim Services of Renfrew County
VSRC provides crisis support, practical assistance and referrals for ongoing longer term support to victims/survivors of crime, tragic circumstance and community disaster. Our response 24/7 crisis response to police and fire identified referrals and during business hours to the community at large. Self referrals are welcomed. We also offer immediate financial assistance to eligible victims/survivors of violent crimes.
Renfrew County, City of Pembroke, Algonquin Park and Garrison Petawawa
Office: 613.649.2852 / 1.877.568.5730
VSRC is a French Language Services designated agency.
Accessible Services

Metis Nation
Community Wellness Workers put the needs of the local Métis community first through the implementation of client driven services to reduce family violence and the promotion of healthy lifestyles through culture-based programming. Community Wellness Workers assist clients in identify concerns and assist them in developing action plans to address the concerns. This is achieved by sharing appropriate information with health and social agencies and through community events like crisis intervention workshops, sharing circles and community outreach that educates and promotes cultural awareness and illness prevention. Whenever possible Métis specific cultural approaches are integrated into the programs delivered. Client’s and participants are not required to be status Metis, First Nation and Inuit citizens. We service the entire community.
236 Stewart St.,
Suite 102, Renfrew ON K7V 1X7
Office: 613-432-7106
Cell: 613-570-1851
Services are Fully Bilingual in French and English
We are an accessible building

Family and Children’s Services of Renfrew County
Child protection and neglect investigations, child care, foster care, adoption services, developmental services (consisting of service coordination, infant development and behavior and speech programs), family visitation and exchange, Ontario Early Years and Kumon after school tutorial services
Main Office: 77 Mary St, Pembroke
Branch Office: 464 Isabella St, Pembroke 613-735-6866
Branch Office: 114 Argyle St, Renfrew 613-432-4821
Branch Office: 104-16 Edward St S, Renfrew 613-432-4821
French Language Services Available.
Our offices are accessible (parking, door openers, elevators)

Renfrew Victoria Hospital Regional Assault Care Program
Nurses available 24/7 at ALL Renfrew County hospitals for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, child and elder abuse
· Physical exams & treatment of injuries
· Preventative medications
· Evidence collection and documentation of injuries
· Risk assessment & safety planning
· Crisis support & referrals
· Outpatient appointments and follow-up available
IF YOU HAVE BEEN STRANGLED, regardless of visible injuries, we strongly encourage you to be assessed by one of our nurses ASAP.
Fatal complications can occur up to 2 weeks later.
1 800 363-7222
Bilingual services are offered
Services are fully accessible

North Renfrew Family Services
Everyone is welcome. Free services are available and accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity, race, age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, income and political or religious affiliation.
We offer free counselling and services to people of all income levels from Deux Riveres to Chalk River.
We are located in the Deep River and District Hospital, in the North Renfrew Health Campus, Suite 8
Monday to Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm –
Please call to book an appointment
Wednesdays, Walk In Clinic 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm with last appointment at 6:30.
First come first serve basis
Income tax receipts are issued for donations received to assist with our on-going programs
P.O. Box 1334, 109 Banting Drive,
Deep River, ON KOJ 1PO
Ph (613) 584-3358 Fax (613)584-5520

Renfrew County Legal Clinic
Legal services provided to low-income residents of Renfrew County. We provide legal advice by telephone and in person; representation on a case by case basis; speakers and educational materials; law reform work.
Renfrew County
(613) 432-8146 or 1-800-267-5871
French Language Services are Available
Accessible Space

The Phoenix Centre for Children & Families
We aim to empower children (birth to under 18 years of age), families and communities, and enrich their lives through the provision of enhanced, client-centered mental health services that are effective, inclusive, and accessible. Services and programs include:
Family and Child Treatment Program, Intensive Services, Group Services, Day Treatment Services, School-Based Program, Youth Justice Services and Walk-In Counselling Services
Main Office: 130 Pembroke Street West,
Suite 200, Pembroke ON K8A5M8
Satellite Offices:
Arnprior: Kenwood Corp. Ctr. 16 Edward St. South, Suite 201C, Arnprior ON K7A3W4
Killaloe: Community Resource Centre, 15 Lake St, Killaloe ON, K0J2A0
Renfrew: 191 Plaunt Street, South Renfrew ON, K7V1M7
Petawawa: 154 Civic Centre Rd, Petawawa
Deep River: 33019 Hwy. 17, Deep River ON
613 735-2374
1 800 465-1870 (toll free)
Bilingual Services
Partially Accessible